About Alpha of Clovia

The Values We Hold True:

The Clovia mission is to provide a sisterhood for former 4-H women to come together in a living situation, which promotes the life skills originally learned as part of their 4-H experience.

The following life skills serve as guiding principles for the young women living and learning at Clovia.

Positive Self Concept

Clovia women have the opportunity to leave the university with the self-confidence that few other campus living groups provide. In a climate of support and care for each other, the sisterhood of Clovia provides women an environment in which to grow into adulthood and survive in the “real” world.

Leadership & Decision Making

On a daily basis, cooperative living provides Clovia women the opportunity to develop leadership and decision-making skills that impact both her and her sisters. Leadership skills are developed while serving as an officer or on a committee. Decision-making skills are developed while cooking a meal, repairing a broken item, overseeing budgetary and general expenses for the house, or accepting new members into the sisterhood.

Healthy Relationships

The sisterhood and the cooperative living aspects of Clovia give the women the unique experience of learning both social and work-related skills. Relationship skills and an ability to work with diverse individuals are developed and serve throughout a member’s life.

Community Concern

Members of Clovia actively participate in professional and community organizations and learn how individual actions impact the whole. Giving for the benefit of others is necessary to maintain a strong community.

Inquiring Minds

Members of Clovia are required to meet high academic standards. The women are rewarded for scholarship and academic achievement as they maintain membership in Clovia.

Based on the “Principles of Clovia” written by the Founding Members in 1931.

The History of Clovia

Clovia was first conceptualized in 1930, at the beginning of the Great Depression, when some former 4-H women had meetings in their rooms. These meetings built their friendship, and an idea for a social organization for former 4-H women was born.

In 1931, these women decided to live together in a cooperative manner – sharing housework and possessions to reduce costs. Mary Jordan, Ellen Blair, and Mr. M.H. Coe, State 4-H Leader at the time, helped organize the group.

Officially, Clovia was founded at Kansas State University on September 7, 1931.

Clovia was housed in two locations before moving to the current site. The ground was broken for our present house in the spring of 1967, when the hard work of Clovia’s alumni and the Kansas 4-H foundation started to pay off. The Kansas 4-H foundation constructed our present house as one of its projects to promote and support Kansas 4-H programs.

When Clovia was first formed, it was classified as a sorority and was a member of the Panhellenic Council. On October 18, 1961, Clovia decided to withdraw from the Panhellenic Council, so it is now considered to be an independent cooperative house.

In spring of 2016, the full members of Clovia discussed the inaccuracies of our previously undefined name. For clarity sake, the Alumnae Board suggested the name “Alpha of Clovia 4-H Cooperative Leadership House.” This name was voted on and officially adopted the same year.

Alumni Board of Directors

Gail Eyestone
Manhattan, KS

Vice President
Brandy Bruna
Manhattan, KS

Lynn Hargrave
Leonardville, KS

Janet Miller
Columbus, KS

Board Members
Tara McDaneld    Janae McKinney    Inga Sloan    Ann Koch   
Karolyn Kellogg Howey    Brooke Ohlde

Alum Advisors
Hannah Adame    Colleen Rittman    Jordan Carlson

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