A collection of useful information pertaining to the operations of the Alpha of Clovia Alumni Association.
- Our Latest Newsletter
- Clovia Bylaws / Constitution (Currently being rewritten)
- Profile Update Form
- New Initiate Info Form
- New Chapter Info
- Transfer Students
- Who's Who
- Clovia Jewelry
National Clovia Alumni Association
This association, it’s constitution and government, is ordained in order to maintain the ideals and preserve the traditions of 4-H among college women. 4-H is an informal, educational program conducted in each state through cooperative efforts of the United States Department of Agriculture, the state land-grant universities, and county governments. The ultimate purpose of the 4-H is fourfold development of individuals; that is, the intellectual, spiritual, social, and physical development of individuals in their roles as family members and as responsible citizens. Therefore, the purposes of the association shall be:
- To bind together all our members in a sincere and enduring sisterhood and to promote a spirit of sociability and good fellowship among college women.
- To facilitate and encourage good scholarship
- To bring out the best qualities in one another through precept, example, and friendly criticism.
- To lend one another every honorable means of assistance and encouragement throughout life.
- To encourage adequate and economical living conditions for women students.
- To aid in more firmly establishing and perpetuating the various chapters and associations of said National Association of Clovia by all appropriate means.
Alpha – Kansas: Kansas State University, Manhattan
Beta– Minnesota: University of Minnesota, St. Paul
Gamma – Nebraska: University of Nebraska, Lincoln – disbanded
Delta – Minnesota: Mankato State College, Mankota – disbanded
Epsilon – Kansas: Fort Hays State University, Hays – disbanded
Zeta – Minnesota: Crookston Campus, disbanded
Official Insignia of Clovia
Green signifying growing and striving for better things.
White signifying purity.
Coral signifying the Clovia light.
Green and white also represent a tie with 4-H

Talisman rose is the official flower as it combines the Clovia colors. Sunburst or Jack O’Lantern rose may be used as alternate if Talisman is not available.

House Video Tour
Alums – feel free to share this video with prospective members!